Max “Cliff” Kellerman has completely unsurprising new take on Brady after one game


Patriot fans can’t say they didn’t see this coming. It’s only been about 700 years since Kellerman made the brilliant prediction that Tom would “fall off a cliff” and “be a bum in short order.” (which is the most obtuse way to just say someone sucks). That was on July 16, 2016. Nearly 1000 days ago. Since then, Kellerman has been grasping for straws. Brady has been the opposite of a bum since this scorching take, with three consecutive Super Bowl appearances, two victories, and a league MVP award in the year the Pats couldn’t capture the Lombardi.

This take stems from one game against the Buffalo Bills last sunday, a victory I might add, a game in Buffalo might I add, a game where the Patriot offensive unit could not have been more banged up might I also add. Now, Brady has all of a sudden become a “game manager”. First Take has used that word in such dirty context over the years, I cant help but fell like Kellerman knew exactly what he was doing when he called Brady a game manager. He even went on to compare him to Peyton “dead arm” Manning in 2015. Gimme a break. It feels like Max is still trying to fight a battle he already lost over three years ago.

Here is the video of the original cliff take, because it is so comical at this point.


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