Jason Whitlock goes on evil monologue about how the Patriots’ demise is FINALLY happening

I always wondered who gave Jason Whitlock his own “Whitlogue” segments where he can give a poetic uninterrupted evil soliloquy of the day. The only thing I can remember him ever being right about is that the Seahawks would destroy Peyton Manning’s Broncos in Super Bowl XLVIII, which was eerily accurate. Whitlock just assumes that Brady’s sideline emotions and communication on the field is just a ploy to bring back Antonio Brown. AB has to be one of the farthest things on the Pats’ minds at this point. I do appreciate however that the caption on the screen accurately depicted how Patriots haters (like Whitlock) have been predicting this for 5 years now, if not more. He goes on to state all the tropes: the record is a mirage, they’re the 5th best team in the AFC, this is definitely Brady’s last year in New England. Whitlock says the Patriots searching for outside solutions is the most telling factor that the time is up for the 42 year old quarterback. What? They haven’t looked for outside solutions enough in my opinion. I appreciate everyone else on Speak for Yourself’s panel wholeheartedly disagreeing with Whitlock’s scorching take, but I guess that goes along with the show’s name. I await the team to prove Jason wrong this coming Sunday.

An interesting rating system the show was using to discuss Brady’s GOAT status
Image result for confused nick young

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